Picture of Janie

Picture of Janie

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Death of J.D. Salinger

I heard on the radio while tending my kittens at the animal shelter the news of J.D. Salinger's death at the ripe old age of 91.

Of course I did not know this author personally, but I did have some memorable experiences when I first read "Catcher In The Rye" at the age of 15.

My best friend that I have referred to in some of my past blogs, that I have known over 45 years turned me on to him and this book. It was rather a risque book back in 1967 for a 15 year old to be reading. Well, my parents sure as heck didn't know I was reading it.

Annette, my b.f. and I would talk every night on the phone for hours, and while we were both reading "Catcher In The Rye", relating totally to Holden Caulfied, we would take turns reading aloud to each other and laughing our heads off!

Aren't memories wonderful? Thanks J.D.


  1. I just picked up this book and read it when I heard of his death. What a masterpiece, and not for only literary reasons.

    Although it isn't my style of book, I did enjoy it. :)

  2. I think Elizabeth may still have a copy of it boxed up somewhere. I would like to read it again just for the sake of it. I'm sure it won't evoke the same emotions and memories that came from reading it at age 15 with my b.f. on the phone with me. Thanks for your comment.
